
Touch The World—through Prayer

Touch The World—through Prayer

Epaphras, who is one of you and a servant of Christ Jesus, sends greetings. He is always wrestling in prayer for you.
Colossians 4:12

Contrary to what you may have heard, a Skype call is not the next best thing to being there. Prayer is!


Epaphras was far away from those to whom he had ministered. But his absence from them made his heart grow fonder in prayer for them.

His example of zealous prayer provides F. B. Meyer with these thoughts for present-day prayer warriors.

“Epaphras had come from Colossae with tidings for the apostle Paul; but amid all the crowding interests of his visit to Rome, his heart was with his friends, and he sought to help them, as we may all help dear ones far away.

“He strove for them in prayer. It was not hastily mumbled prayer that he gave; no light breathing of desire; no formal mention of their names; but it seemed as though he were a wrestler whose muscles stood out like whipcord as he agonized and labored for the prize.

“We shall never know, till we stand in heaven, how much has been done by prayer. Probably the work of which we are prone to pride ourselves is due far less to us than we suppose, and far more to unrecognized fellow workers who labor in prayer for us.”

A close friend or relative comes to Christ. A tense conflict at work or home is resolved. A troubling deadline passes with no problem. Later you tell a Christian friend what happened, and he replies, “I prayed for you that day.”

Coincidence? Or your sovereign God at work through long-distance prayer?

It isn’t always possible to be with the one you love. But you can always pray.

Take a moment to call out on someone’s behalf. You may be calling at just the right time!

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