
Willingly Led By The Savior’s Hand

Willingly Led By The Savior’s Hand

“What shall I do, Lord?” I asked. “Get up,” the Lord said, “and go into Damascus. There you will be told”.
Acts 22:10

On the road to Damascus, Paul was the zealous leader of a “hunting party.” His prey: followers of Christ. His license: letters from the high priest.

His intent: death and imprisonment of believers—the destruction of the church.

But before he reached his objective, Paul joined forces with those he had sought to destroy.

Andrew Murray analyzes how Paul the persecutor became Paul the proclaimer of the gospel.

“Many have asked what could be the secret of the amazing devotion and power in the life of Paul. The above verse suggests one answer.

“At the time of his conversion, as soon as he knew who it was that called him, he surrendered himself to the will of the Lord. ‘What shall I do, Lord?’

“His life was so wonderfully fruitful because he remained true to those words.

“The Lord has a will for each of us, a plan by which he wants us to live. He wants to make his will known to each one.

“He wants us to ask him to reveal his will.

“Such a request sincerely made implies willingness to give oneself to his will and service.

“We may be sure he will answer such prayer. He will lead the child who wants to be led.”

The Damascus road was more than the place of Paul’s conversion. It also marked the place where his will was conquered. His life was no longer his own; he now lived to serve the one who had saved him.

And what was the result? Near the end of his life Paul could say triumphantly, “There is … the crown of righteousness, which the Lord … will award to me” (2 Timothy 4:8). God had led him well.

God will do the same in your life when you ask, “What shall I do, Lord?”


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