
Working Faithfully On The Task At Hand

Working Faithfully On The Task At Hand

As long as it is day, we must do the work of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work.
John 9:4

To become a diligent worker, but not a workaholic—that is the challenge of every Christian.


Jesus was a model worker in more ways than one. Tirelessly he went about his Father’s business. He first learned good work habits at Joseph’s workbench, and he later called hardworking fishermen as some of his first followers. And always the focus of his life was to “do the work of him who sent me.”

Listen as James Hastings provides this sound advice on putting all you have into God’s work.

“A sure method of finding out what God wishes us to do is to work faithfully and conscientiously at the task that falls to our hand, watching ever for the guidance that God will surely send us.

“We shall never miss God’s call as long as we are in the path of duty.

“We may not know where God is leading us, but we can be sure that doing our present work as well and as thoroughly as lies within our power is the best possible training for anything the future may hold for us.

“The work that we are doing may seem to us to be useless and unimportant. It is remarkable, however, how things which at the time seemed to be of no importance turn out to be useful, and how the training we have received, unconscious of its value though we were, bears fruit.”

The church of Jesus Christ today is full of willing people: a few willing to work, the rest willing to let them.

When zest departs in the work of the Lord, labor becomes drudgery.

Don’t allow busyness to turn to barrenness. After all, it’s not so much how busy you are, but why you are busy. The bee is praised; the mosquito is swatted. Ask God’s blessing on your job, and then do it willingly, joyfully and faithfully.

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